"Don't worry about a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be alright"

Bob Marley

Monday, June 21, 2010

15 years

It is hard to believe I have been out of high school for 15 years. What happened? How did I get to be in my 30's already?

Time and life happened. I am grateful that it has though still shocked that I am not that 18 year old anymore.

I saw a saying the other day that I thought was quite telling for my situation and will be more and more relatable every year:

Inside every old body is a young person shouting "What the hell happened"!

Though my body is not "old" yet I completely get this statement. I am happy the person on my inside is still young---I hope she stays that way.

Love, S

Friday, June 4, 2010

Looking Back

Today is my 11 year wedding anniversary.
I don't even feel like I am old enough to be married 11 years!
But I am
I married the boy I was head over heels for in high school
Though our years together have at times been shaky
I would not want anyone else
But that crazy, trouble-making boy from back then
Who has now grown into a great husband
To which I am as good of a wife as I can be
And as we celebrate tonight I plan to make an effort
To focus on just him, me and us
To enjoy each others company
To forget the problems we think we have
To let the night sweep us away
And to reminisce about all the life we have lived

And to spend time dreaming of the life we still have to live

I love you Hubby!

Love, S