"Don't worry about a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be alright"

Bob Marley

Friday, April 30, 2010

Fun times

Getting ready to celebrate my birthday this weekend--starting today! Took the day off work and have plans this evening. Can't wait to spend time with all my family and some of our friends too. Wish there was enough time to see and spend time with everyone but time sure gets away from us!

I will be 33 years old this year. Not sure what I think about it besides that I am glad I have made it. Yes time is going a lot quicker than I ever imagined! I feel good though that I have made a good life for myself.

Happy 33 to me!

Love, S

Friday, April 23, 2010


Negative, Nada, zip, zilch, NO, BFN, nope, nothing, null

All words that describe my yesterday results!

On to round 4!

Love, S

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Big Girl Panties---not all they are cracked up to be!

So yea, sometimes life is not what we expect. BIG SURPRISE! We have all been told that most of our life--that we don't get everything in life we want and that life is not always fair.

As my sister-in-law is known to say "Put on your Big Girl Panties and deal with it!" So, that is what I do. Everyday I "deal" with it.

But then there are the days that you just wanna put on your Strawberry Shortcake panties and cry. (Thanks A for that reminder!) So, figuratively, that is what I did last night. I had a little pity party. I went home and just sat. The hubby started dinner (I did help though!). He cleaned it up. I sat. I did fold a load of laundry, then sat in the bathtub. Hubby took the dog out, I went to bed and read a magazine.

Then this morning, I put one leg at a time in my big girl panties and am DEALING WITH IT!

Love, S

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Even More Confused

This morning I did one of the things I should have known better than to do. So--I started thinking that it must not have worked-AGAIN! Why should I think any different? Sometimes I think that my coarse is set--that there is no way I will ever see that + because I am not supposed to go that route. So--I have often tested early and have always gotten the -.

Nothing new!

Until a few minutes ago when I got a sign that I have never had before. So I will stay hopeful until it is the right time to test.

So---keep your fingers crossed!

Love, S

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I am sooooo sore

Ok---so today I am very sore from the shot I started yesterday. And I have to do this shot EVERYDAY (for right now an indefinite period). It is a looooonnnngggg needle! It leaves a bruise/knot on my leg and is sore when walking. What in the world will my legs look like in a week or so?

The things I do! Lets all hope it is worth it this time. And while I am complaining (which I really do try to keep to a minimum) why is it only me that has to deal with this while the hubby gets off scott free???? Its not that I wish him pain I just want someone to share it with!

Love, S

Monday, April 12, 2010

The life of a Diva Dog

I have to admit that I may own the biggest Diva Dog ever! Have I mentioned that she is also totally beautiful? The life of a Molly dog would not be so bad.

~~Everyone loves her
~~She sleeps ALL the time but then can suddenly have tons of energy to play
~~She gets cuddled constantly
~~No work for a Diva Dog
~~She kinda rules our household
~~Did I mention the gets to sleep all the time?

So---our Molly may just be the most spoiled dog---but she gives us so much joy and love!

Love, S

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Just What I Needed

The weather this weekend was fantastic! Our favorite little girls were also here this weekend and we put them to work helping us with yardwork.

Here's to the little things that make the weekends absolutely fabulous!

~Lots of sun~Breakfast out~Braum's ice cream~Little girls trying to wash a big dog with the hose~Working on the garden~Dirty bare feet~Forts with lots of blankets~Couches made into beds~

This is just what I needed!

Love, S

Friday, April 9, 2010

Feels Like a Roller Coaster

So yesterday was a good and bad day for me. In some ways it was great---I did round 3 and we are very hopeful about it since my follicle and uterine lining measured so great. Lots of other things in our favor as well--like "third times a charm" and that yesterday was the 16 year anniversary of the hubby and my first date!

The bad....way emotional. Didn't help that something I ordered for our procedure did not get there when I thought it would---and it was something that we had to have and couldn't get here locally. Probably also didn't help that this month I was on an additional medicine I have not been on the last two times---and that medicine coupled with the trigger shot of hcG (which I was able to skip last month) made me an emotional WRECK.

I cried to the hubby on the phone when I realized the shipment was late. I cried to my mom on the phone because I was just too overwhelmed. I cried to the hubby again last night because I felt unsupported and crazy (and he has been absolutely supportive!)

Feeling better today.....I hope this is it! Not sure how much more I can take sometimes......

Love, S

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lookin' Good

Had my day 12 follicle ultrasound today. This is the first month with the IUI that I have taken the drug Repronex. Anyway--GOOD results today. VERY GOOD.

So...we are very hopeful that this third time is the charm.

Keep your fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!!!

Love S

Monday, April 5, 2010

Feeling stuck

I am currently really battling my feelings about my weight. After recently losing 30 lbs I have over the last few months gained almost every bit of it back. Now--everyone tells me not to worry, that I should not stress about weight as I am doing something so much more important right now and to just relax.

Well--relaxing is making my ASS FAT!! And can I diet--no! Because I am going through round 3 this week. Can I start a brand new exercise routine? NO---because when you get pregnant you are supposed to stay at the activity level you have been at--which has pretty much been close to zero the last few months.

So what do I do? What I want to do is just lay in bed and eat bon bons even though I would feel terrible about it afterwards. Or I want to just start doing some crazy diet and training to become super-model-bodyish! But I can't do that.

So I am struggling tonight more than most nights with this. Even though I know that in the grand scheme of life this is NOT the biggest challenge I will face.

Love, S

What a GLORIOUS Weekend

The weather could not have been more perfect...
...The company could not have been better...
......Our Easter weekend was great....
...........Hope yours was fantastic too..

...Now for another big day today....
......Going to see the Dr.....

......Stay tuned.....

Love, S